31 March 2010

Menteri Belia dan Sukan Merasmikan Pembukaan Gym Rakyat

26hb Mac 2010, Kuala Lumpur - Menteri Belia Dan Sukan, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek sedang melihat aksi seorang pengamal hidup sihat menggunakan peralatan senaman di Gymnasium Rakyat di Kompleks Sukan Kg. Pandan selepas merasmikan pembukaan semula gymnasium tersebut yang telah dinaiktaraf fasilitinya.

Gymnasium tersebut telah menelan belanja sebanyak RM700 ribu ringgit untuk menyediakan ruang yang lebih luas dengan peralatan baru dan mencukupi untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan yang memuaskan kepada para pengunjung.

Golongan ibu-ibu juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk bersama-sama
menjayakan program ini, semestinya penglibatan mereka memberi inspirasi
kepada masyarakat setempat untuk mengamalkan trend hidup sihat.

Antara belia-belia yang mengikuti program "Tiada Alasan" untuk tidak cergas
memberi pose yang menarik sementara menunggu ketibaan Menteri Belia dan Sukan

Bayaran sekali masuk serendah RM2 ringgit dikenakan kepada pengunjung dan Gymnasium tersebut dibuka dari jam 8 pagi hingga 9 malam setiap hari. Datuk Shabery Cheek mengulas bahawa bayaran minima ini akan digunakan oleh pihak pengurusan gym untuk menanggung sebahagian daripada perbelanjaan untuk kos penyelenggaraan.

22 March 2010

Negara kita nampak sahaja stabil tetapi sebenarnya tension.

The title "Negara kita nampak sahaja stabil tetapi sebenarnya tension" is actually an excerpt of an ending to an article written by Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah published in Mingguan Malaysia on the 21st March 2010. You can find this article on page 8 lower half section.

It is true, all of it.

What he is trying to say is about the non-malays (especially chinese) making complaints and fighting for what they call as their rights and they will not give in even if it counts for national interest. On the other hand if the same issue were to apply to the malays, national interest comes first.

Somebody once told me;

"Orang-orang melayu ni, jika orang Cina buat baik dengan mereka, mereka akan balas jasa baik tu sepuluh kali ganda sampai mati..."

So the question would be, would the Chinese do the same thing to the Malays?

17 March 2010

Blood Brothers

(Excerpt from Utusan Dot Com)

BANGKOK 16 Mac - Penunjuk perasaan pro-Thaksin Shinawatra menyimbahkan darah yang dikumpulkan di kalangan mereka di depan Rumah Kerajaan sebagai simbolik pengorbanan bagi meneruskan desakan agar pilihan raya baru diadakan. Beribu-ribu anggota Baju Merah berbaris panjang sebelum jururawat mengambil darah mereka, sehari selepas pemimpin pergerakan itu bertekad mengumpulkan sejuta sentimeter kubik darah atau bersamaan dengan 1,000 botol minuman ringan untuk disimbah di Rumah Kerajaan.

I just hope this won't happen in Malaysia. I love this country, it is peaceful and so much love.

16 March 2010

A Military Love Affair

Little Sandhurst: A Military Love Affair

I read this book just this recent, wonderful.... it portrays the early Malaysia and yet so British. The author is brilliant, telling the whole story from his point of view of his own love affair towards the military as a whole.

It uses none poetic writing. Meaning to say, you will enjoy reading it and dive into his personal experience as a military officer.

People asked me what is it so special about this book. Well, it is a sincere writing... exposure of mistakes and lameness and brave enough to face it.

15 March 2010

Diplomatic Immunity

This lawyer in the picture declared to the masses that he is determined to get Najib and Rosmah both to court pertaining to Anwar's case. But can he? it is to my understanding that he can-not do this because a Prime Minister is subject to diplomatic immunity where no court can hold trial against him, he cannot be handcuff nor sued.

So how does the idea bringing both of them to court is realistic?

My interest...

I am gathering some good issues for us to talk about... may it be politics, education or any other stuff that might give us a point to ponder.

For instance; what make model of cellphone our Prime Minister is using?

We know that his calls are handled by his secretaries and personal assistants but it is very certain that he must have his own personal phone...

we could easily guess that he is using a Nokia but which model? But in this picture he is using a satellite phone for official international calls.